Golf Porto Marina, which is located in Egypt's North Coast and owned by Amer Group, has announced that it will live-stream the Torero Show in Spain on Aug. 6 and 7.

The Torero Show, with "torero" meaning bullfighter in Spanish, is an annual parade that takes places in Spain.

This parade celebrates bullfighters while heavily promoting the bullfighting industry, a practice that is condemned around the world but which has been maintained in Spain as a heritage activity .

Despite the controversial nature of the industry, Amer Group has curiously decided to promote bullfighting in Egypt, perhaps because the lack of animals rights awareness in the country might dull any criticism of the violent nature of the "sport."

According to Bullfighting Free Europe, a non-profit organization fighting to eliminate the practice, it is estimated that around 40,000 bulls are killed in the bullfighting industry annually in Europe and 250,000 are killed around the world.

It's long past the day when the barbaric act of bullfighting should be banned. The bull is not an aggressive animal by nature and the only reason they try to "attack" a matador is because they have been subjected to cruel and horrendous torture prior to the event. The bull that people witness in the ring is not a healthy bull. In fact, due to the mental and physical torture prior to the event, the bull is weakened, half-blinded and unaware of its surroundings.

The pre-fight treatment of the bull includes stuffing wet newspapers into its ears, rubbing Vaseline into its eyes to blur its vision, putting cotton up its nostrils to decrease respiration and sticking a needle into its genitals. Additionally, a strong caustic solution is rubbed onto its legs to throw it off balance as well as keep it from lying down on the ground. Finally, drugs are administered to slow the bull down, while strong laxatives are also administrated to further weaken its body. For the two days before the fight, the bull is kept in a dark box in order to disorientate it.

The reason why the bull charges out of the box is because it believes the torture has ended and that it is free.

Once in the ring, a mob of three men awaits, stabbing the bull mercilessly, barbarically and repeatedly. The bull, though weakened, disoriented and dying, often attempts to rise up and fight for its life. However, the men inevitably kill it for no reason other than a source of amusement.

This is what Golf Porto Marina is promoting to Egyptian children, young men and young women. It is rather alarming that out of all things that could be used as a source of entertainment, the company has decided it's best to expose and promote violent acts in a country where there is no shortage of violence.