As part of its effort to integrate the massive influx of Syrian and Iraqi refugees as well as other migrants, Germany has launched a website to instruct immigrants on the proper ways to have sex.

According to the Washington Post, the website is part of Germany's efforts to "re-educate" migrants following several instances of sexual assault allegedly committed by asylum seekers on New Year's Eve. In addition to the website, some public schools in the country have published cartoons warning migrants against groping women and sexual education courses have been setup that aim to teach male migrants how to "properly" approach a German woman.

Not surprisingly, in a country where public nudity and sexual freedom are the norm, the website doesn't hold back in its advice.

The site includes gems of tips such as "vary movements in speed, rhythm and intensity" and explains that intercourse can be undertaken while "lying, sitting, standing or squatting," according to the Washington Post. To explain further, the site adds, "For example, the man can be on top of the woman, the woman on top of the man or the man behind the woman."
It goes much deeper by explaining all the intimate details of oral sex, anal sex and even masturbation. Because... refugees don't know how to masturbate?
Of course, some have pointed out that it's rather condescending to assume that immigrants need sexual education more than their German counterparts.

Some have argued that the site should be targeted more broadly and not just single out refugees, while others have questioned why their tax dollars are being spent on such a site.
A sex scientist from the University of Merseburg also told the Washington Post that it's racist to assume that refugees need sexual education. However, he added that, "it’s important to promote this kind of open and free sexuality, to fight for it,” he said. “It’s not something that the state can force people to do, to live openly. But it needs to be negotiated."
A spokesman for Islamic Relief Germany took a different tone, saying he didn't particularly find the site offensive but he questioned whether it was necessary. He explained that the explicit sexual content could prove frustrating to refugees stuck in camps with little opportunity to find sexual partners.
"Although this is a human need of course, people have bigger problems,” he said. “Most of them are staying in emergency shelters for a long time without any access to private spaces. To confront them with such an issue in that situation might even be counter-productive.”
The site does however, share a great deal of important and useful information.

Detailed information about practicing safe sex and avoiding STDs is included on the site. However, once again, while sexual education is important, targeting the site towards migrants comes off as just a bit condescending.