
You know Lebanese family gatherings and meet-ups get all the more interesting because well ... cousins.

From the copycat to the overachiever, you've probably come across these 8 types of Lebanese cousins:

1. The Copycat

You will see your shirt, pants, dress, shoes, and practically entire wardrobe repeated with this cousin. For some reason, your fashion sense is so amusing to them that they want to share and redisplay your items. To everyone you know.

2. The Jealous One

It's your wedding day and she's SO happy for you.

3. The Standard

Probably my most hated type, this one is the figure your parents have used as a benchmark to "motivate" you (aka make you feel worthless) throughout your childhood. Mind you, this cousin may or may not be better, but it doesn't matter because "Layla got an award from school; what did you get?"

4. Teta's Favorite

You would like to act unaffected, but your grandchild privileges are now all gone. Your added value to the playroom is obsolete.

5. The Superior Socialite

"I hit Cannes with my Skybar crew, and passed by Marbella with my family before Rome for a wedding. How was your summer?" "Umm... Does Mounir Broumanna count?"

6. The Online Freak

Abusing family immunity, this cousin seems to post every daily event, from this morning's foul mdammas to the afternoon's bored seflie. You want to unfollow, but you really cannot. #pleasestop

7. The Conservative

Looking to have family police present everywhere you go? You've got your cousin! Always suggesting for more of those dreadful family events, the judgmentally awkward looks prevail.

8. The Self-Inviting One

It's going to be a long night.