Anyone who has lived in Riyadh has heard of Manarat Al-Riyadh. And not only that, when Manarat moved into its massive new building, it created the huge buzz. Everyone wanted to enroll their kids there. When you switched to another school, your friends ended up thinking you were some sort of a genius because you went to Manarat. In other words, Manarat was as elitist as any regional university.
1. You had to walk forever to get to your building
This is just a glimpse of the rest of the school looks like
2. You had a football court\gym that was THIS BIG

As if the school wasn't big enough. (And this only part of the court)
3. You're one of the few schools that had a very detailed, university-like website

In English

And Arabic
4. You were NOT allowed to go to the Arabic section and vice versa
5. If you went there and someone found out, consider yourself expelled
My future is NOT A GAME! Seriously, what's your effin' childhood trauma?
6. Last but not least, the name Jehan Al-Angari still haunts you till this day
Her impact years later..