Last year was a year of records and new horizons for many of the Arab world's most beloved celebrities. Why should 2016 be any different?
Some celebrities seem to be getting it all right, hitting all the notes and making all the right decisions. Others though? Let's just say, not so much.
Here are some things that we want to encourage our favorite celebrities to work on or keep on doing this year.
1. Ramez Galal needs to stop pranking
Paris Hilton's fake screams may have been fun to watch during Ramadan, but really dude? Stop scaring people half to death.
2. Haifa Wehbe should definitely release more music in English

Yeah, just kidding ...
3. Saad Lamjarred needs to prove once again that he's a boss
After his massive summer hit "Lmaallem", we are ready for him to wow us again.
4. Can The 5 become more than just eye candy?
We love these guys, don't get us wrong. But their music? Meh ...
5. Nancy Ajram MUST continue to kill it, please
She's amazing, enough said.
6. Amr Diab should start aging, at least a little
He can do it gracefully, but his perpetual youth is just getting creepy
7. Can Bassem Youssef make a movie … or something?
We just miss this guy's TV show so damn much.
8. Mohammed Assaf can just keep being amazing
That is all.
9. Nadine Labaki, it's time to make a new film
So, about that collaboration with Salma Hayek?
10. Elissa should sing a duet with Justin Bieber
She's already wowed Kris Kardashian with a live performance, so why not?
11. Any chance for a collaboration between Donia Samir Ghanem and her younger sister, Amy?
Film, music, television, we're not picky. We just want to see these two amazing ladies together.
12. And we want Queen Rania to just keep being Queen Rania
Fabulous and flawless .