For many expats in the United Arab Emirates, Emiratis or "locals" are an enigma and a complete mystery. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you have lived in the UAE for a long time without making friendships with locals or actually having a conversation with one of them. This unintentional distance fueled the imagination of some non-locals and made them create stereotypes.
Emiratis are aware of that fact, and to get their insight on the subject, I asked my local friends this question: “What are the most annoying stereotypes or misconceptions some non-locals have about you?"
And as absurd, hurtful and silly as these stereotypes might sound, here are some of their responses:
1. Emiratis are filthy rich and they never have to worry about money, bills, bank accounts or financial security

2. Emiratis are stuck up and unapproachable

3. Emiratis don’t make friends with non-locals.

4. Dubai locals are nicer and more open minded than Abu Dhabi locals.

5. Locals are inefficient at their work and inexperienced.

6. They don’t need to get higher education because jobs are always available for them.

7. If you lose a local man chances are very high you will find him in a CrossFit class or shopping for a new crazy looking bike.

8. Most local women are obsessed with luxury brands and becoming fashion designers or bloggers.

9. Local kids are mostly raised by nannies and maids.

10. An Emirati’s garage is not complete without a Range Rover or a Mercedes-Benz G Class.

11. An average Emirati family has at least three villas, five cars and spends every vacation in London or Paris.

12. If a local man is chatting with an expat woman then he is planning to make her his second wife!

13. A local’s idea of a pet is a lion, an exotic tiger or a monkey.