A survey published by the Dubai Statistics Centre found that the emirate's total unemployment rate - which stood at just 0.5 percent in 2018 - is one of "the lowest in the world," Gulf News reported.
The survey found 2,242,363 people were employed in Dubai last year of which men constituted 81.3 percent and women 18.7 percent.
The Labour Force Survey revealed that while unemployment rates decreased among expats in Dubai, it rose significantly among Emirati nationals.
The unemployment rate among non-Emiratis residing in the emirate remained below 0.5 percent between 2016 and 2018. For Emiratis, the rate increased by over one percent between 2016 and 2018, rising from 2.9 percent in 2016 to 3.4 percent in 2017 and to 4 percent in 2018.
However, the percentages are still considered quite low when compared to other countries and cities in the region.
In his statement on the most recent workforce survey, DSC executive director Arif Al Muhairi said:
"These results illustrate the flexibility and strength of Dubai's economy as it continues to record the lowest rates of unemployment in the world, and one of the highest rates in economic participation."
He also added that the low rates of unemployment in Dubai can be attributed to constructive policies that only grant residency visas to employees, investors, students, and persons of equivalent status who have jobs.
Unemployment rate of Emirati women has doubled

Going into detail regarding unemployment rates among Emiratis, Al Muhairi explained that the unemployment rate of Emirati men increased by 0.7 percent from 2016 to 2018, "rising from 2 per cent in 2016 to 2.6 per cent in 2017, and 2.7 per cent in 2018." As for women, it "increased by double percentage compared to Emirati males."
"Such a rate is attributed to the fact that Emirati females prefer to work in the government sector and in certain jobs and professions," Al Muhairi said.
The study also stated that both Emiratis and expats of working-age are actively involved in Dubai's economic activities.
In his statements to press, Al Muhairi made sure to share how the Labour Force Survey is conducted.
"The Labour Force Survey is one of the key annual strategic statistical projects of the emirate. It is an important source of information for decision makers, policymakers, planners and labour market researchers. Carried out in accordance with the latest methodologies and standards of the International Labour Organisation [ILO], the survey seeks to identify the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of employed and unemployed Emiratis and non-Emiratis residing in Dubai," he said.
The study uses the most modern technologies and geospatial tools to gather data from a representative sample of 3,000 households in Dubai.
"The sample included 1,500 Emirati households and 1,500 non-Emirati households distributed across various Dubai communities," Al Muhairi added.