Olive oil has been consumed for thousands and thousands of years, its trade in the Mediterranean basin goes back as far as ancient Egypt. As a cornerstone of the famous Mediterranean diet, the oil has been consumed for centuries due to its vast variety of proven health benefits and rich nutritional content.

Its health benefits, however, are not limited just to food, the vitamin- and mineral-rich oil can be just as useful for the human body as an inexpensive beauty product. Not to mention it can come in handy for numerous tasks around the house. You should definitely try some of these 13 awesome uses for olive oil.

1. Furniture Polish

By combining 2 parts olive oil with 1 part lemon juice or white vinegar in a clean spray bottle, you can have your own furniture polish, one that will make your coffee table look just as lustrous as your green salad.

2. Freeing Stuck Zippers

To avoid that moment of rage you have when you keep pulling on your jacket's stuck zipper to no avail, try using a cotton swab to apply olive oil to the teeth of the zipper and then free it by easing the tab down. Quick and simple.

3. Hair Mask

The golden oil can be extremely beneficial to your scalp's health. Just applying a mixture of one egg yolk with two tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice to your hair for 20 to 30 minutes in a hair mask then shampooing it will make your hair softer, shinier and most importantly healthier.

If that sounds too messy, you can just use it as a conditioner by applying some olive oil to your scalp and hair for 10 minutes before you wash it.

4. Paint Removal

If you happen to find yourself in a sticky situation with paint all over your arms and hair, rubbing olive oil on your skin and applying it in your hair then allowing it to soak in for about five minutes before rinsing it can really help. It also works in removing car grease from your hands.

5. Face Mask

Applying a mixture of a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice to your face for five to 10 minutes before washing it will do wonders to hydrate and rejuvenate your skin, as well as clear acne and scars.

6. Earache Remedy

Using a cotton swab to apply olive oil to the outside ear cavity or adding a few drops to the ears can help with earaches and excess earwax.

7. Natural Skin Exfoliation

A mixture of olive oil, sugar, and lemon zest creates an all-natural and inexpensive face or skin scrub that leaves skin glowing as it becomes softer and healthier. No need for a spa day after all.

8. Shaving Cream

Olive oil, which is a natural moisturizer, is an inexpensive and natural substitute for regular shaving cream. It is easy for the blade to glide over and it leaves skin perfectly moisturized.

9. Eczema and Sunburn Remedy

Because olive oil is a natural and replenishing moisturizer, it's very beneficial in treating eczema and sunburns or just simply moisturizing dry skin.

10. Olive Oil Bath

Just adding a few tablespoons of olive oil to running bath water before taking a bath leaves skin nourished and hydrated as olive oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

11. Squeaky Door Fix

Using a rag or cloth to apply olive oil to the top of a problematic hinge or a creaky knob will fix the problem quickly without the need for any equipment.

12. Makeup Removal

By applying olive oil on a cotton pad and using it to wipe makeup from your face, you get to remove makeup naturally and moisturize skin at the same time.

13. Shoe Polish

Polishing shoes with a spray of olive oil keeps them looking shiny and new. Olive oil canbe used the same way for conditioning worn-out leather as well.