In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “We need these ASAP.” For previous posts, click here .
I’d just finished a photoshoot on the 8 th of January.
Client: I know that your contract stipulates a two week delivery time after the photoshoot, but we’re in a hurry. Could you send them by the 15 th? We’re ok with a rush fee.
Me: Well, I have other work in progress but I will deliver the final shoots on the 14 th. The rush fee will be xx euros. Instead of delivering them on a CD, I will upload them on [service] so that I can get them to you more quickly.
Client: Great ! You’re saving my life!
Monday the 14 th, noon.
Me: Here is the link to your photos on [service] Please note that this link is valid for only seven days, then the files will be automatically deleted.
Wednesday the 23 rd, evening.
Client: I’ve just tried your link. The web page says “Data expired.” How is that possible? Send us the photos immediately, we’re in extreme rush.
Me: The link I gave in the previous mail was valid for one week only. The files were then automatically deleted.Here’s a new link. Please download your files as soon as possible.
Tuesday the 29 th.
Client: I just downloaded the photos, thanks! They will look great on our spring publication. We will send you the April 2016 issue when available.