In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present to you, "Less Words, Same Copy." For previous posts, click here.

After almost a month of web development, I present a dev site to a particularly picky client whose existing website was over 10 years old and looked it. After a few days, he called me.

Client: Well I’ve looked over the site, and I like it. The only problem is that I sent the site to my mother, and she thinks it’s too wordy. Can you do something about that?

Me: I can definitely help with trimming down some of the text for you without losing important parts.

Client: Trimming down? No I need all that text on the site. Just make it less wordy .

Me: I’m not sure I understand - you want me to reduce the amount of words without deleting any copy?

Client: Yes.