In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “Can't you just hack my password?” For previous posts, click here .

The client had a web shop he wanted to have “reactivated” and redesigned. I asked him if he remembered where he created the site so I could log in and take a look. After I checked the source code I figured out where it was created and asked him to log in.

Client: I forgot the password, can’t you just hack it, or something?

Me: Sorry, but it’s not that easy. If it was, you would have a serious security issue. Why don’t you just click on “Forgot Password”?

Client: I forgot which email I used.

Me: Just try it, it will tell you, if the email isn’t valid.

Client: Wow, found it, but there’s a problem.

Me: What’s the problem?

Client: I forgot the mail-login too, can’t you just hack the emails?

Me: Why don’t you just click on “Forgot Password" first.

Client: Oh, wow you’re so smart!
