Have you ever been standing in the shoe store and thought "I could pull these off?" Well, here's some inspiration to help men just say no to ugly shoes.

Hugh Jackman

Even Hugh Jackman couldn't pull the Vibrim Fivefingers off.

Omar Borkan Al Gala

We know that these sandals may go with the dachdache, but for the sake of fashion ... NO!

Steve Carell


Otherwise known as grandpa shoes. Sorry New Balance.

David Beckham


David Beckham, we love your style but socks were made for shoes, not slippers.

Gerard Butler


Unless you're going to the beach, don't even try.

Jack Nicholson


He was born in the 1930s, how did these Crocs make it on his feet?

Shia LaBeouf


Why not just go for the classic Timberland's instead?