Uber officially launched in Morocco last week but local social media users quickly noticed something about the app that didn't make them too happy.

Scrolling down the list of countries to register in, new users spotted the Western Sahara listed as an option. Morocco lays claim to the Western Sahara area as does the rebel group Polisario Front, which seeks independence from the kingdom. Internationally more than 50 nations have recognized the area as autonomous while the Arab League and other countries have supported Morocco's claim.

Uber subscribers in Morocco weren't too interested in discussing whether or not the area belonged to Morocco or not. Their minds seemed to already be made up.

"Uber launched in Morocco in Casablanca. First blunder of the the American company was not including Western Sahara with the country."

"Still a huge mistake by Uber Morocco, the dissemination of a map with a separated "Western Sahara" is a crime in Morocco."

"Uber's mistake on the Sahara during its launch in Morocco."

"Uber forgot that the Sahara is Moroccan."

Twitter user Smael Sebti posted a screenshot of the country list and tweeted it at Uber's Morocco account.

Uber replied quickly.

"Smael Sebti thanks for your tweet: the team has sent the information to the support team in San Francisco so they can finally correct the app worldwide."

However, some tweeters were skeptical that Uber would actually make the promised change.

Uber Morocco later updated its Twitter account with the following message to update users on the situation again.

"Following the launch of the Morocco team, Uber HQ validates the removal of Western Sahara: updating the worldwide app will take 10 days."

Looks like we'll have to wait a few days to see if they actually follow through.