The chairman of the Fine Arts Syndicate, Hamdi Abdel Aty, said that the memorial of the New Suez Canal was not professionally sculpted, according Egypt Independent.

"Officials who are in charge of any project should assign the Fine Arts Syndicate to head lead because it needs professionals who know how to add an aesthetic and historic value to a place. Sadly, officials have a tendency to do the exact opposite and just give the job to anyone. A tragic example would be the Nefertiti bust in Samalut," he said.

The infamous Nefertiti bust that was presented in the city of Samalut caused an uproar among Egyptians, some even mocked authorities and the people in charge as well as the state of art in Egypt.

The fundamental reason for this issue is the lack of coordination between the governmental authorities and artists. However, it is also due to a lack of awareness on the authorities' end, "corruption" and blatant "favoritism."

"I believe that the memorial of the New Suez Canal was not sculpted professionally," he told Egypt Independent. "We have not been consulted on that project just like we haven't been consulted on building Tahrir Square."

In an effort to change this, Abdel Aty has been trying to contact officials for the past four years urging them to involve the Fine Arts Syndicate on such important projects. However, his attempts remain unnoticed and we're left with disastrous statues and sculptures.