Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump went head to head again Sunday evening (Monday morning in the Arab world) and what mainstream American media is rightfully calling the scorched-earth debate has inspired the mockery of Arabs and Muslims the world over.

The debate came at the heels of  audio  of Republican candidate Trump making lewd and crass remarks about women, and gloating about grabbing them by the genitals. Many top Republicans, including former Republican presidential candidate John McCain, have since withdrawn their support for Trump; pressure is mounting on him to step aside and let his running mate, Mike Pence, lead the ticket.

Very serious global issues, especially for those living in the Arab world, are  at stake in any U.S. presidential election. Still, Arabs and Muslims have decided to take the election in stride, and satire has not been in short supply.

The tweet that stole the show,

Brace yourselves

A pointed, and hilarious, analogy

Totally awkward.


Allegations of sexual assault? Glad you brought that up. Because Arab refugees...

Because, standards.

In a campaign season fueled by blatant Islamophobia, racism and general xenophobia, Arabs and Muslims have a heightened interest in this year's election.

Clinton may not have spouted the inflammatory rhetoric that has defined Trump's candidacy, yet her track record on the Middle East has been less than stellar.

Prior to the first debate, advice on how to prep for it

Because it's still hard to believe Trump got this far

But there was the a twist in the plot. Trump praised Qatar and Dubai!

Even that got mocked

Nobody is very impressed with Trump's knowledge of the Arab world

But the hate for Trump doesn't mean Arabs are Clinton fans

Words of wisdom from Lebanon

And we were all reminded that three people were actually competing in the debate