
Morning people are among the biggest mysteries in this world. It really baffles me when I see someone waking up at 7 a.m. or even 9 a.m. I don't understand how anyone can find the power within themselves to wake up this early.

Mind you, I'm not talking about those who have to get to their job, I'm talking about those who happily wake up on their work-free day and go do stuff at 8 in the morning. Like, what are you doing? Go back to sleep! It's too early guys!

1. After the five alarms on your phone go off, you finally open your eyes and you're like...

2. And you start questioning everything

3. After (barely) managing to get out of bed, you decide to go buy some coffee in hopes of waking up

4. On your way, you see people happily jogging and you can't understand why

Seriously, what is wrong with you?

5. When you finally get to the coffee shop, you see a bunch of people sitting there like

6. And it really messes you up and makes you wonder