People who grew up in the United Arab Emirates are a special breed. They are not easily impressed and can survive in 50 degree heat!

You know you grew up in the UAE when …

1. Your accent is an eclectic mix of your parents’ accent, Egyptian, Lebanese, Emirati, Iraqi and a bit of Bab El Hara

2. You can use offensive language in at least six different languages including Tagalog and Urdu

3. When you think four story buildings are so retro and old fashioned

4. When you unconsciously give way to a car with a two digit plate number

5. When you think it is insane that your local baqala doesn’t deliver your order of coke and chips

6. When you still struggle with the notion that the Trade Centre building is not the tallest in Dubai anymore

7. When you have Bollywood movie night with your friends

8. When City Centre was the best place to meet a potentials bae

9. When a trip to Mamzar beach was the coolest thing to do on a weekend

10. When going to Hard Rock Cafe felt like driving all the way to the moon

11. When the only cinema you felt cool at was Al Nasr Club

12. When you take around 30 minutes to read a page in Arabic

13. When you think it is completely normal to see a Lamborghini police car cruising next to you

14. When you’ve never been on a public transport bus your entire life

15. When you are casually walking in the mall then say, "Oh, look it’s a shark!"

16.  When your group of friends includes names like Jassim, Paul, Rahul, Amélie and Lina.

17. When your typical Friday evening included drinking Burj al Arab cocktail from Sakr cafeteria in Jumeirah

18. When you feel claustrophobic on one way roads

19. When the AC in your house has never been switched off since you were born

20. When you start dressing like an Eskimo if the temperature drops below 20 degrees