Scientists have been warning us for decades that we need to act now or suffer the consequences later.
As the poles warm and glaciers melt, one of the drastic affects of climate change will be rising sea levels. According to National Geographic, some scientists even suggest that the oceans will rise by as much as 7 meters by 2100.
If humanity doesn't make some serious changes now, this is what the Middle East and North Africa could look like in just 85 years. Yikes!

Casablanca will see some fairly serious folding along the coast.

But Mohammedia is going to face even worse problems.

And Rabat will have to do something about the river's massive expansion.

The Bay of Algiers will be encroaching a bit more on the shoreline.
Tunis and Carthage's problems look like they are going to be a bit more dire than their neighbors' in Morocco and Algeria.
Large sections of Tripoli will likely be underwater.
Egypt will have to say farewell to Alexandria and large portions of its Northern coast.
And it may also get this new massive lake.
Saudi Arabia
Jeddah will have to find ways to cope with serious flooding.
Bahrain will lose what looks like maybe half of its landmass. A new bridge to Saudi Arabia will also be needed.
It looks like a lot of that money Qatar has been spending to make Doha a bridge between East and West will simply be washed away.
United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi will probably have to replace its snazzy Lykan police cars with speed boats.
Maybe Dubai can convert its palm islands into "the world's largest underwater community?"
Muscat will just have to work its way back inland in order to avoid the encroaching waves.
Kuwait will just have to say goodbye to Bubiyan Island and Al-Zawr.
Iraq and Iran
This whole area between Iraq, Iran and Kuwait is just going to become one big wet mess.
The ritzy downtown area of Beirut will suffer as will the less glamorous suburb of Bourj Hammoud
But Lebanon's second largest city located in the north will suffer the most it seems.
Large sections of Syria's coastal areas will be submerged.
To look at the bright side, residents of Adana won't have to drive as far to visit the sea.
To explore how rising sea levels could affect your location more precisely or other parts of the world, click here to use this handy online tool .