Last night was the first debate in the Democratic nomination battle for the presidency of the United States, heating up the battle over who will face off the eventual Republican nominee.

The Republican nominees have spoken often of their Middle East plans, but the two main Democratic contenders – Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – have been more muted on their views on the region and U.S. involvement in it.

While there were five candidates on stage Tuesday night, none of the other three are currently polling above 2 percent .

Considering that the U.S. is involved, directly or indirectly, in nearly every Middle Eastern conflict and country, the region has much at stake in the November 2016 vote. StepFeed has gone through both candidate's official campaign platforms and recent statements on five key issues regarding the United States' involvement in the Middle East to see if there's any difference between the two.

1. Palestine:


2. Syria


4. Iraq

5. Iran nuclear deal

Do you think there is any real difference between Clinton and Sanders on Middle Eastern issues? Tell us in the comments.