You probably heard the news that the U.K.'s all-mighty David Cameron descended from 10 Downing Street for a surprise visit to Jordan and Lebanon.

With the mission of "inspecting" the refugee situation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief knowing the British were here to save the day.

Never mind the fact that the UK has pledged to take only a tiny percentage of the millions of refugees.

But when you see these photos of Cameron sitting with refugee children, don't you almost forget that fact?

Doesn't it almost seem like this man cares about their plight despite the fact that he is actively working to keep them out of his country?

Well, friends, don't be fooled by the photos. Its all one big PR stunt.

As the Independent reported, Cameron's visit to a makeshift refugee school was all staged.

Although it was reported that Cameron simply "dropped by" a classroom of students, he actually dropped by a prearranged group of refugee children. The "teacher" wasn't even their teacher.

Of course, Cameron wanted the folks back home – and the world – to see a caring leader, descending to meet the poor refugees face-to-face.

Good show sir, good show indeed!

What's that? You think we're being too harsh?

Sorry for the honesty, but we think he can take it.