With the seemingly endless stream of disappointing news and outrageous incidents flooding our timelines, it's always refreshing to come across a story that restores our faith in humanity.

>Social experiments have added a heart-warming twist to traditional Ramadan series, examining human behavior and serving as a wake-up call in the spirit of the holy month.

On Tuesday, Egypt's DMC TV shared a moving video from its show Warta Insaniya ("Human Dilemma"), a social experiments show that reveals how people react to different situations.

The video captures people's reactions to a man standing on the street with a banner that reads "I have iftar alone every day".

The video has garnered over 1.6 million views and 27,000 shares on Facebook in less than a day ... for all the right reasons.

The video starts with the elderly man standing on the street and raising the banner. When a couple of guys approached him to ask him about his situation, he said, "I have iftar alone. I'm not feeling the family spirit of Ramadan," adding that his kids live abroad.

Ramadan is all about togetherness, human bonds, and >generosity, and the people who encountered the lonely man put that into action.

Several people, from groups of guys to couples to taxi drivers, approached the man and offered to host him for iftar. Everyone seemed extremely friendly, shaking hands with the man, showing sincere concern for him, making genuine offers and saving his phone number.

"What about you come have iftar with us common people? Wallah I'm serious," a cab driver told the man. 

A group of men told him he could have iftar with them every day, while a kid handed him some food.

Another pedestrian invited the man over and promised to honor him, using the Arabic phrase that translates to "I will put you above my head".

"Mashallah there you go! By spreading positivity, we'll see the best of our country despite the tough circumstances."

Warta Insaniya certainly isn't the only Arab show of its kind. MBC's> Al-Sadma, which was launched last Ramadan, has also been conducting social experiments and tackling various issues such as domestic violence, racism and religious discrimination.
