For a usual Monday to be considered a good day it takes a lot of effort to pour positivity into it. >Animal lover and >rescuer, Dubai's Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan - also known as Fazza - successfully saved the day ... by untangling a net stuck in an Oryx's antlers.

In a video he shared on his Instagram page captioned "All good to go for this Oryx! Mission accomplished", >Prince Hamdan is seen sedating the animal through his car window using a tranquilizer gun.

The video - which amassed over 750,000 views in less than 24 hours - shows the prince's car following the wild animal until the drug's effect kicks in.

A group of men is then seen helping out Fazza with his mission of cutting loose the wild animal's antlers from the green net, which Gulf News reports as being "a construction net mixed with plastic".

The Oryx, saved and awake, can then be seen returning to the herd. People were extremely happy and proud of the prince's heroic actions, praising his constant admirable work towards preserving wildlife.

Compliments poured in

"May God reward you with goodness"

More reasons to like the prince

His skills didn't go unnoticed

"Such accuracy and expertise." 

"A kind-hearted man"


"Amazing prince"

Prince Hamdan has a unique bond with animals and wildlife

With exceptional photography skills and a deep love for adventures and animals, Fazza showcases a wide range of photos on his Instagram

He even calls a white lion his friend ... so that explains it.

From the fish he once saved...

To a chill swim with sharks...

He also likes to feed squirrels ... very casually

And seems to be a fan of elephants, too