Less than two weeks ago, Esma Voloder, a 25-year-old Muslim Australian >was named Miss World Australia. 

Since then, the former refugee, who was only an infant when her family fled a Bosnian refugee camp to relocate to Australia, has been attacked by people who claim she does not represent the country. 


Because she's Muslim. 

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Miss World Australia's national director Deborah Miller said that the organization had received "awful and mean" calls demanding that Voloder be replaced. 

“We have had lots of calls, people saying terrible things,” Miller said, adding that a few people even called in to ask how the organization had let a Muslim win. 

In her response to the attacks, Miller said: "We believe Esma is a strong woman and represents a multicultural Australia." 

The attacks continue on social media

The newly crowned beauty hasn't only been attacked through phone calls, but also on social media. 

Since her July 14 win, thousands have taken to online platforms, offending both Voloder and her faith.  

There were many racist rants

Too many of them...

Voloder powerfully hit back

After the intense racist backlash, Voloder powerfully hit back at the online trolls. 

“Life is too short for negativity,” the title holder told The Daily Telegraph.

“I forgive them. I feel it comes from a lack of understanding... I am hoping to break down the barriers by just being me," she added

The psychology graduate and criminal profiler >had previously said that she aims to use her title to challenge stereotypes associated with Islam.

In a statement she made after the crowning ceremony, >she said: “The Islam that I know, that is in the Qur’an, I don’t associate that with any acts that are occurring around the world. People tend to blame religion for the atrocities that are happening, but if we do that we take responsibility away from the individuals.”

"A lot of things have been misconstrued about Islam. I feel that a category has been created that is not really what the Qur’an actually promotes. I believe Islam is about peace, unity, prosperity and inclusion," >she added.