Muslim Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour is >no stranger to harassment and criticism, but when she received a particularly vile email, she couldn't help but point out the irony. 

Including all kinds of foul language, the hateful and angry email expressed the hope that someone would rape Sarsour and defecate in her mouth.

Sharing a screenshot to Twitter, she pointed out the blatant irony. 

Sarsour fights for the rights of all minorities

As co-chair of the Women's March on Washington D.C., Sarsour has been instrumental in >mobilizing hundreds of thousands in peaceful demonstrators against U.S. President Donald Trump's administration. 

Before the Women's March, Sarsour was a leading activist in New York, successfully campaigning for the city's schools to recognize Muslim holidays and to end the police department's controversial mosque surveillance program.

She has used her national platform to advocate not only for Muslims but the rights of all minorities. Sarsour told protestors in D.C. to keep their voices raised for "black women, for native women, for undocumented women, for our LGBTQIA communities, for people with disabilities."

"You can count on me, your Palestinian Muslim sister, to keep her voice loud, keep her feet on the streets, keep my head held high, because I am not afraid," she said

Because of her activism, Sarsour has received increasing backlash and hate

Haters have recently attacked her for using the word "jihad"

Right-wing Islamophobes pounced on Sarsour's use of the word in a recent speech, falsely suggesting she called for a "violent" revolution by using the Arabic term. 

But just as many were quick to attack, many more were quick to defend. Muslim scholar and Twitter commentator >Qasim Rashid explained clearly: "The word 'jihad' means 'to struggle.' It does NOT IN ANY WAY mean to 'wage holy war,' or 'kill the infidel,' or 'commit terrorism.'" 

As a result of Sarsour's efforts to peacefully promote tolerance and acceptance for all minority groups in the U.S., she receives death and rape threats. Nonetheless, she doesn't plan on giving up anytime soon.