Gulbahar C. is not your regular hijabi, and her bid to break gender >stereotypes, specifically those surrounding Muslim women, proves this very fact.
The 20-year-old Turkish woman, who is currently studying interior design in London, recently shared a tweet in which she uses sarcasm to break down gender stereotypes that Muslim women are constantly battling.
"I think Muslim women should challenge gender-roles because our> Prophet Muhammad didn't believe in them. He took care of himself [and] was never a burden to any of his wives," she told StepFeed.
Gulbahar's tweet has gone viral, garnering over 25,000 re-tweets at the time of writing.
The idea came to Gulbahar's mind after Twitter user @Miiss_Liimzaay shared a tweet asking her followers to share what they fear most in marriage.
At the time, she saw that many feared infidelity, feeling under-appreciated and were terrified of never finding their "true soulmate."
She decided to go against the grain, and use humor to highlight gender stereotypes that many people in the Middle East still hold on to.
"At the end of the day marriage is a partnership and the inability to balance household chores usually causes strain on the woman in our society," she said.
"[The tweet] made a lot of people laugh, and I made sure to shut down any silly patriarchal or Islamophobic comments," she added.