I know this is a touchy subject that will have various opinions from men and women but it's difficult to keep ignoring what's going on. Being a woman in Lebanon is difficult because despite the fact that we're a liberated country, we're still considered easy targets on some level. Not only do we put up with so much but we also tend to ignore much of what we hear and see.

1. Telling me I need to smile

2. The violating stares

You can try to argue your way out of this but no, just no! Just because men are "visual creatures," this does not give you the right to stare endlessly and me, my butt or my breasts like a jerk with no self control. Get your Id, Ego and Superego in check.

3. Sexual harassment

4. Insulting us when we don't reply or look at them

5. Deliberately walking closer to the side like a "macho" and\or bumping into us

6. Following us too closely or walking right beside us on purpose

Here is the full video of this shot. I have a question: Do you expect to follow me around all day in hopes of getting my number? Because if that's the case, I'd like to tell you that you're a creep.