Arabs are raised to >unconditionally agree with their parents, whether they like it or not. But, that doesn't mean rebels - with different views on certain topics, items, or beliefs - don't exist. 

Earlier this week, a Twitter user known as S. Rifai launched a thread asking people to share their unpopular Arab opinions. 

Starting with a pretty controversial tweet which states that Lebanese singer Fairuz "sucks," the tweep sparked an online storm of opinions that are as arguable as they get.

It all started when this tweet made the rounds on Arab Twitter

Sparking a series of pretty divisive tweets

Many of which were about food

And were as divisive as it gets

You did not ...

Amr Diab fans weren't happy with this thread

Nor were most Arabs on planet earth

Someone had to do this

*Sigh of relief*

Said no Arab ever ...

There were a few unpopular opinions we actually agreed on

Including this one

"Small weddings"

And one that shouldn't even be in an opinion thread