Birthdays come with fun moments and gossip. Alice wakes up to her friend yapping around about how selfish Nadine is for telling Alice that the gym instructor is married. In a world this fake, the truth is not cool.
Farah hires a personal trainer so she can stop lying to her life coach about her morning runs. Which were not taking place.
Alice is still getting presents. More pets to torture.
Nadine is preparing a gift for her sisters. A portrait of her pretty face to hang in the middle of the salon. No, they will not be pissed off that they weren't included.
Meanwhile, Farah and Alice diagnose Nadine with schizophrenia. Apparently when people are selfish, they are called schizophrenic.
Farah heads to her life coach session and meditates to the thought of people calling her name once she's famous.
Then there was more gossip with Alice and her friend Yas. Alice thinks that Farah has found a husband whom she's hiding.
Farah unveils her dream of becoming a TV presenter. Alice is fine with it, but Nadine finds Farah not up to standards. After all, being a TV presenter is not just about being pretty, explains Nadine. #sistersupport
Nadine reveals the masterpiece only to find her sisters disappointed.
Farah prepares herself for her casting session. There was lots of makeup and hair.
Alice is so busy having coffee with friends. She has no idea how she will be able to open a clothing line for dogs.
Then there were glasses.
And a failed attempt at rocking that casting session.