People in the Arab world have long fantasized colored eyes. With the birth of >colored contact lenses, that fantasy is now a reality for the entire Arab population.

The obsession people in the region have with colored eyes is so REAL that some have even gone out of their way to convince others that they were born with colored eyes ... but somehow, the universe changed their genetic makeup with age... 

If you don't believe us, here's more proof:

1. An Arab with colored eyes lives by the phrase: "eyes wide open" at all times

2. Camouflage eyes is the source of all conversations

3. Apparently, change in eye color comes with age

4. Posting pictures of yourself comes with one aim: flaunting the EYES

5. In the Arab world, multi-colored eyes are not as rare as you think...

6. Lots of people wear colored lenses ... which makes it harder for people to believe colored eyes exist

7. People constantly need to assure the world that they aren't wearing colored lenses

8. Having colored eyes = natural ego-booster

If you're looking for colored contact lenses, make sure to head to > using promo code: yallaeyewa for a 15% discount.