From senior citizens to youngsters, it is safe to say we are all using social media as a means of connecting with loved ones, meeting new people and, of course, just showing off. Now that it's clear we're living in a digital era, we should learn what works and what doesn't.

Here are 7 Facebook faux pas that you need to get over.

1. Hashtags on Facebook work.

2. Pro-tip: taking a video with your phone vertically is great. Steven Spielberg is a huge fan.

3. Posting the same picture in a hundred different positions is so interesting. And not narcissistic, because, see, PUPPY!

4. Counting down until your anniversary is totally fine. We all want to know it is 6 days and 3 hours until the 4 month mark. Really.

5. Screenshotting personal messages and posting them is normal and not an invasion of privacy.

6. Casually thanking the people who like your perfectly posed pictures. Oh, me? Really? Thanks.

7. Using the comment box on Facebook as a chat between you and your BFF is cool. Everyone wants to know your private convos.