The places we visit frequently can reveal a lot about our personality, especially in a city like Dubai where people often get classified, categorized and even stereotyped based on the places they like to visit the most.

So, I admit that I did a bit of stereotyping here, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t see these types of people in these following places:

1. Bagatelle and Jean-Georges

If you are a regular at these fine dining restaurants then you are a lover of expensive food that you might not even be able to pronounce. You like smoking cigars with your wine and you like to dance wearing high heel YSL sandals. You come with groupies or a bunch of friends who expect you to pay the entire bill… every single time!

Your favorite motto: “Pay now, cry later!”

2.  Life’n One and Comptoir 102 cafes

If these vegetarian, healthy eating cafes are right up your alley then let’s face it, you are a food snob! You think you are eating clean food while the others are polluting their sacred bodies with dirty beef burgers and sugar-loaded brownies. You are usually dressed in yoga pants and eco-friendly sandals and always happy to offer food advice. You're eager to convert your friends who think that “clean eating” means having breakfast after taking a shower!

The phrase that annoys you the most: “if you love animals so much, then stop eating their food!”

3. 360 in Jumeirah Beach Hotel

You are a Dubai oldie whose seen it all and still thinks 360 is the most awesome place in the city! You are a chilled hipster who still likes to dress nicely to a beach bar. We will never see you in flip flops or tank tops. You know that the music can be SO-FREAKING-BORING there but you are happy to put up with it as long as you have a sun-bed a shisha and a mojito at your disposal.

Your life’s motto: “Life is too short for square bars and smoky clubs”.

4. Barasti and Rock Bottom

You are a low maintenance, hassle free person who just wants to drink as many beers as possible without being judged. Your shoes choice is very simple: "If I can walk in them after three beers, I’ll wear them!" You are also very patient, because you don’t mind waiting for an hour to get your order, or queuing for a taxi at 3 a.m.!

Your two most favorite words in the dictionary are: "Friday" and "Brunch."

5. Reem Al Bawadi and Daraj Al Yasmin

If you are most likely to be seen in one of these Middle Eastern restaurants then you have a penchant for mixed grilles, grape mint shisha, card games and reminiscing about life back in Damascus or Amman and how good the falafel and shawarma tastes there. You are most likely an Arab who is full of contradiction: You drive a car you can’t afford, you eat fatteh then complain about being overweight, you don’t drink alcohol but still go to bars and you don’t miss Friday prayers but you live with your European partner!

The thing you fear the most in life:  A Skype call from your mum while you are at Mahiki.