Source: Twitter

Although Dubai's Media Office initially confirmed on its official Twitter handle that a meteor had passed through the skies of the UAE on Monday, falling debris of a Russian rocket is now the chief suspect for the blazing lights seen over the country, according to The National

Whatever it may have been... Twitter users in the country were quick to post pictures and videos online, as the meteors/debris traced an arc in the sky before being finally extinguished.

"Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center confirmed that a meteorite has passed through the skies of Dubai"

Social media reactions from the UAE varied:

Diwali celebrations or a comet?

UFO or Superman?

Some people couldn't even...

Some were confused...

Whilst others thought it was a fireball..

"Meteor or space junk?"

Most people were excited...

Dubai's Sheikh Hamdan managed to capture this beautiful picture!

Sheikh Hamdan, Crown Prince of Dubai, shared a picture of the passing meteorite on his Instagram account...