Source: Aawsat

Attending a friend's >wedding is supposed to leave you with great memories, but that's not always the case, as one Saudi wife recently discovered.

The woman, who was happily celebrating her close friend's wedding, got the shock of her life when she looked through the marriage officiator's book and discovered that her husband was secretly married to another woman.

According to media reports, the book was passed to the women-only celebration hall because the bride needed to sign it. That's when a few of her friends decided to look through it for fun and discovered the unfortunate secret.

No one can even with the shocking news...

Many attacked the woman's husband...

"A filthy, despicable man."

"God exposed him"

"Why are our stories in Saudi full of action and drama?"

"If I were her I'd just leave him, get a divorce and happily rebuild my life"

Not the first unfortunate surprise to unravel at an Arab wedding...

Earlier this year, a UAE-based bride stormed out of her own wedding after her groom decided to surprise her by >walking in with a second bride. 

At the time, the couple's wedding planner spoke out about the incident explaining that the groom planned the whole thing out because he wanted to get back at his new wife for being "too controlling".

After leaving her own wedding, the woman divorced her husband.