Saudi Arabia has officially listed Yoga as a sport ... all thanks to Nouf Marwaai, the kingdom's first certified yoga instructor and founder of the Arab Yoga Foundation

"Yoga, which literally means 'union' .... a union of individual with ones wellbeing, a body to mind, emotions & soul, nation to globe has officially arrived at the sea shore of Saudi Arabia. It has crossed the boundaries of fundamentalism, MB fanaticism and ideological extremism, [sic]" Marwaai wrote in a >Facebook post following the announcement. 

Earlier this week, the Saudi Ministry of trade and industry officially recognized yoga as a sport, meaning people are now able to practice it as well as obtain a license to teach.

"Here is a day, that finally practicing yoga is no more a deviant behavior in Saudi [sic]," Marwaai continued. 

Marwaai has been devoted to yoga for 18 years, promoting it in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, and teaching more than 3000 students since 2005.

She ultimately approached Princess Reema Bandar Al-Saudi who helped make this a reality.

"I whole heartedly extend my gratitude to The Princess Reema B Al-Saud and Her Deputy Haifa Alsabab for supporting the cause which can lead our society to entelechy. Because of their support we have received the right to [breathe] the way we want [sic]," Marwaai wrote. 

"Kudos to Nouf Marwaai who campaigned for the move"

Lots of thumbs up ensued

Comparisons to India soon followed

Advances for women in sports in Saudi Arabia

For years, women in Saudi Arabia have been struggling to play sports, but change has been happening in recent years. 

Earlier this month, the kingdom hosted its first-ever official >basketball tournament for women which was soon followed by an announcement of the kingdom's first-ever women's >football tournament. 

In 2016, Saudi women made >headlines at the Rio Olympics, which saw four female Saudi athletes compete in the international games. 

They followed in the footsteps of two bold Saudi women who participated in the London 2012 games, the first time the kingdom sent female Olympians to participate in the international sporting event.