The weather around the Arab world has been quite unpredictable this year, with temperatures reaching >record-breaking lows in some areas. Qatar is no exception of course. 

The country's capital has been experiencing some weird weather patterns - from sandstorms to rain. But the thunderstorm a few days ago was something else. 

Doha's skies lit up as thunder and lightning raged overhead for minutes on end.  

Some people were amused, but others documented the entire storm on social media. Many even claimed that the lighting lasted for about 20 minutes, according to >Doha News. 

Here's what it looked like. 

Electric shocks and purple skies

Tornado lightning

Does it even look like it's night-time?

It was a "storm-tastic" night

One word: VIEWS

Just as gorgeous in black and white

This video captured the moment by surprise

This picture just speaks for itself

Unfortunately, some damages were reported