Binge News, a new web show on the League of Internationals channel, is a show dedicated to television series and reviews presented by Anas Abdulhak. The web show originated as an idea by Abdulhak, a young Syrian student at Eastern Mediterranean University.
Binge News started as a homemade Youtube series, but it grew to become a talk show on DAUtv in Cyprus. The show has aired its first episode on both the Youtube channel and the TV channel. The Youtube channel League of Internationals was created by Aghomi Tejiri, who is also the producer. The idea of the channel is that people from different cultures come in and discuss different topics concerning art and culture.
Abdulhak, the new show's host, has said that he is very confident and that he hopes it will grow and improve as he gains more experience.
"When we first started preparing for the show, I was very anxious of creating something that will be on the Internet. I tried my hardest to put all my energy into it so I can create material that I would be proud of. Of course I was very nervous in the first episode but as we move on to filming the second one this week. I feel very confident and much more comfortable," said Abdulhak.
Check out the first episode of the show on YouTube, and make sure to keep your heads up for future episodes!