Source: PhillyVoice

Over the weekend, the Muslim-American community stood in solidarity with victims of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to help those affected by the tragic incident. 

On Saturday morning, a man - identified as Roberts Bowers - attacked a synagogue in Pittsburgh with an assault rifle and three handguns, killing at least 11 people and injuring many others. 

In response to the horrific shooting, Muslim-American >Tarek El-Messidi, founder of non-profit organization CelebrateMercy, launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to help victims "whether it is the injured victims or the Jewish families who have lost loved one." 

The crowdfunding campaign has since raised over $110,000 at the time of writing. Over 2,000 people have contributed to the campaign since its launch.

"The campaign raised $36,000 in 12 hours"

On Oct. 27, the crowdfunding hit its initial $25,000 goal in just six hours. Thus, the goal was increased to $50,000. Unexpectedly, the campaign went completely viral, surpassing its second goal of $50,000 in less than 24 hours.

The campaign - organized by CelebrateMercy and MPower Change - has since gathered over $110,000 in just three days.

"The Muslim-American community extends its hands to help the shooting victims, whether it is the injured victims or the Jewish families who have lost loved ones," the crowdfunding page says.

"We wish to respond to evil with good, as our faith instructs us, and send a powerful message of compassion through action." 

"We hope to send a united message from the Jewish and Muslim communities that there is no place for this type of hate and violence in America," it concludes. 

"This is what solidarity looks like"

"Beauty in midst of ugliness"

"We are united against evil"


Not the only campaign launched following the horrific attacks

Iranian-American Shay Khatiri also launched another crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe, raising more than $540,000 since its launch.

The funds raised will go directly to the Tree of Life Synagogue.