It takes just one quick look at popular Arab sayings to realize how deep-seated misogyny is in our societies. Sexism is so ingrained in our culture that most of us unconsciously brush it aside or take it lightly. 

But it's truly time to rethink some phrases that simply serve to keep alive all that's wrong with the way women are perceived and treated in the region. 

Here are a few traditional sayings that either belittle, insult, or demean women. Let's bash one after the other: 

1. On women being a burden

It's 2020 but this is something we still hear in so many Arab countries. This saying is used to consolidate the false notion that women are weak and need someone to fend for them throughout their lives when that's a plain lie. 

The women> leading revolutions, heartlessly >smashing the patriarchy, and >rising to the top don't need you to worry about them, thank you very much.

2. On messed up gender roles

The number of sayings Arab misogynists come up with to push forth the most messed up gender role ideas goes to show how desperate they are. 

But we're not going to keep silent as they constantly try to hint that our only place is in the kitchen ... because it isn't. 

3. On disempowering Arab women

This is one of the Arab phrases that people use to normalize the idea that women need to be "tamed."

Let's clear this up once and for all: We are not yours to tame or control, so keep your outrageously ridiculous phrases all to yourself. 

4. On belittling them

Phrases about how upsetting it is to give birth to girls are unfortunately quite popular in the region and reflect the ideology of communities that favor boys. 

This is one of the most insulting of them, so take note and make sure to strike it down whenever you hear it next. 

5. On assuming they can't live without men

This phrase basically encourages women to lower their standards and accept any man who comes their way because life is unbearable without one. 

Take it from every single woman on this planet: Our lives truly don't revolve around men nor depend on them. 

6. On underestimating them

Phrases like these aim to scare women from independence. Any woman who wants to divorce is bound to hear something like this.

Guess what? We do have other options and other places to live in. 

7. On so-called honor

Dear Arab men, our decisions, choices, and preferences have nothing to do with your honor. 

Nothing you do, not your sayings nor your phrases, will ever change that. 

8. On favoring boys over girls

Sayings like these move us further away from the equality we so desperately need in our societies. 

Boys and girls are equal, so are men and women ... so keep your ignorant sayings back in the age where you're still stuck because we're moving forward without them.