Since launching Tuesday, Loto Libanais' "Black Cat" campaign is making serious waves in Lebanese media.

From praise on Twitter to blogs that question the authenticity of the campaign, one thing is clear: The Black Cat campaign is testing the idea that all press is good press.

Created by ImpactBBDO, the campaign first launched earlier this week, with billboards and posters plastered with a cute black cat, asking Lebanese people to catch black cats in order to say #GoodByeBadLuck. Loto Libanais then released the YouTube clip below that explained these mysterious ads.

While some consumers thought that the ads were hysterical (people in the Lebanese government working together!), others, specifically animal rights activists, thought that the campaign was insensitive, as it asks for Lebanese to send their black cats away to New Zealand.

Is it tongue-in-cheek? Or did the campaign go too far? You be the judge, below.