In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present to you, "Yellow-Blue, but Not Green." For previous posts, click here.

I’ve been designing a booth for a client that produces cement mixers. The entire booth was supposed to be related to cement in some way, so I made it to look like the inside of a cement mixer.

The client was ecstatic. In the centre of the booth was a big round desk, whose top was supposed to be blue because their logo was blue. The client comes to see the final draft.

Client: I love it. It’s just, the blue on the table, can it be more of a yellowish blue?

Me: You mean green?

Client: No! I don’t mean green! I mean more of a yellowish blue!

I open the color palette and ask him to point the color. His finger points at light green.

Me: That is green.

Client: NO! It is not! It is yellowish blue!

So I turned the tabletop “yellowish blue.” Of course, the next day, I got the request to bring the table back to its original color .