Source: Al Riyadh

Saudi Arabia's National Day - which is celebrated annually on September 23 - is upon us, and preparations for extravagant ceremonies are already taking place.

From the UAE's Burj Khalifa lighting up with the Saudi flag and New York's Times Square's Nasdaq screen projecting the faces of the rulers, to murals being painted depicting King Abdulaziz, the kingdom is all set for a big Sunday to laud the country's 88th National Day.

However, the unexpected part is played by the hundreds of Saudis with no plans but hibernation on this day. A now-viral hashtag on Saudi Twitter (>#WhatAreYourPreparationsOnNationalDay) gives us a few examples of what to expect:

"Nothing just sleep"

Maybe sipping some tea?

The spirit of a party animal ...

"My bed is fully prepared"

The ceiling does seem interesting

*just no*

Full house lockdown

"Snapchat and playing Fortnite"

Movie night, anyone?

"I'm downloading a few movies, ordering myself a pizza, and that's it."

Simple words ...

While some would love to celebrate ... they have studying to do

Food, food, food

"Filled up my tank so I drive around to restaurants with discounted food."

Even more FOOD

"I saved some money for food discounts."