I'll be the first to admit, Ramadan spirit tends to fade away pretty fast. During that last week though, it becomes increasingly difficult to pretend that you aren't going crazy waiting till the month is over and as those final days unravel, the bundle of feelings and thoughts are happening.

1. You know you have to wake up for suhoor but you can't fathom the idea of having yet another interrupted night of sleep

2. When you realize that you still can't have your morning coffee

3. But you still have to deal with work

4. And that one annoying coworker that just won't go away

5. Then you realize, it's nowhere near iftar time

6. You're still growing super tired from all the fasting

7. It's an hour before iftar and everyone is going crazy

8. Then you realize there are a few more days to go and you want to set the world on fire