There are some really smart people in the world – Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Beyonce – and on the other side of the spectrum we have the highly intellectual folks of the dark side of Twitter.
You know the type, those "patriotic" types who believe everything is a conspiracy against their great nation.
The World Health Organization (WHO), a U.N. agency, announced Monday that processed meats, including bacon and hot dogs, are among the most carcinogenic substances alongside smoking and alcohol. At that moment, and mere days after the release of Adele's new song, people around the world had their hearts broken for the second time while those in th e Middle East had to redefine what it meant to be Arab .
However, the experts on Twitter, also known as right-wingers and conspiracy theorists, were quick to call out the news what it really was: a WHO conspiracy with Islam.
These are the crème de la crème of Dark Twitter's campaign against the WHO's announcement:
Islam has an agenda: take all your bacon
Side note: Islam did actually forbid pork 1400 years ago.