It's clear that Dubai is all about >promoting new, innovative technology, and the city's plans to launch flying taxis is no exception.

These self-flying taxis – that's right, they operate without a pilot – are expected to begin trials later this year. 

While the plan has been in the works for a while now, new photos of these Sci Fi-esque vehicles have just been released by the Dubai Media Office.

And it totally looks like something out of Star Wars or Star Trek

But this isn't Sci-Fi anymore ...

This is actually happening in Dubai in 2017

Can you imagine this view from your high-rise apartment

Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has been collaborating with German firm, Volocopter, to bring the technology to the UAE. 

While the technology won't be available for public use right away, tests are set to begin later this year.

RTA and Dubai Civil Aviation Authority will also be collaborating on rules and regulations for the "automated aerial taxis," which can fly at speeds of up to 100 km per hour.