Last weekend, Canadian rapper Drake dropped two new tracks as part of his EP Scary Hours ... and Muslim tweeps absolutely lost it over his usage of the word '>Inshallah'.

The 31-year-old singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, and entrepreneur used the word - which is Arabic for 'God Willing' - in his song '>Diplomatic Immunity'.

Drake skilfully managed to rhyme the word inshallah with Al Jazeera and Shakira. The lyrics of the song goes as follows:

"The TV playin' Al Jazeera

Inshallah, I hope the mission keeps on gettin' clearer

Whenever, wherever, OVO will always be together like Shakira..."

Naturally, Muslim women went into a complete meltdown, fangirling over the fact that Drake said one of the most common Arabic words out there.

But, it didn't stop there. The jokes were never-ending...

"I'm dragging him to the mosque and we're getting married"

GIFs took over the internet

Things escalated pretty quickly: "How do I get my nikah with Drake"

Assalamualaikum ... or should we say: *Oh Hello You*

When Drake says inshallah ... so you say inshallah ... and we all say inshallah

Three words: "I felt that"

"Girl we going to Islam?"

Over-exaggeration be like: "Drake said inshallah. 2018 is gonna be a good year."

Hilarious reaction videos soon followed...

"Inshallah, I hope the mission keeps on gettin' clearer" - Sister Drake, 2018

Countless memes came to life

Drake = Zamzam Sheikh

"Plot Twist: He's Jewish"

Wait ... can someone teach Drake how to pronounce inshallah?

Drawing comparisons: "Drake can use inshallah in his songs, but when I say it I get called a terrorist"

Drake's definitely not the first to use a Muslim word in a song