Ever wanted to give an English speaking person a Middle Eastern recipe, only to get stuck on the name of a fruit or vegetable you never thought existed in any other language?
Welcome to the club.
Here are a few food items we've always referred to in Arabic, along with their English names:
1. 2ol2as (Kolkas) = Root Vegetable/Taro

This vegetable is popular in many countries across the world including Egypt, where Taro stew is a popular dish.
2. Molokhiya = Jew's Mallow

If you've ever lived in an Arab household, you must have heard the word molokhiya at least once.
But ever thought of what the leafy vegetable is called in English?
Well, turns out, molokhiya leaves are also known as Jew's Mallow.
3. Sobeir = Prickly Pears

Yep, the seasonal fruit we all hate peeling is known as Prickly Pear in English.
4. Sel2 = Chard
Sel2 (chard) is quite similar to spinach and the two are often interchanged in many local recipes.
5. Safarjal = Quince
Arab grandmothers make "mraba sfarjel" (quince jam) out of this seasonal fruit.
6. Bomali = Pomelo
7. Halyoon = Asparagus
The Arabic name wins.
8. Kurath = Leek
Who knew?
9. Karnab Aj'ad - Kale
This superfood is all the rage all around the world now.