Picky eaters at home? Don’t lose hope, there are lots of ways to encourage your kids to eat healthy. At Blossom Nursery, we have found great ways to ensure children receive the recommended amounts of daily nutrients and have converted picky eaters into fruit and veggie lovers – they even ask for seconds!

Here are just a few of our tricks and tips:

Get Everyone Involved!

Allow children to make choices about what to have for dinner by letting them pick out items from the produce department of the grocery store. Then, let them be your shadow in the kitchen This gives them a sense of ownership and they will be excited to show off their culinary talents to siblings and family members. Take this a step further by starting your own herb garden. Nurturing seeds and watching them grow into something edible is a satisfying and exciting learning process for kids. You can even have a pizza making night and use the fresh basil from your garden – knowing that they helped it happen will be an incentive for children to try it! Blossom children are active gardeners and have already harvested potatoes, tomatoes and basil that we use for Mini Chef Skillplay afternoons.

Go on, play with your food!

Letting your kids make shapes out of their food will make it more exciting for them. Check out the picture of the cracker cats children made for Blossom’s Alice in Wonderland themed picnic. All you need is crackers for the head then have kids spread on cheese with the back of a spoon, add triangle cut carrots for the ears, raisons for the eyes and cucumbers for the whiskers. Bonus: You can use this time to encourage sensory learning by talking about colors, shapes, textures and tastes as you create these edible masterpieces!

The Blossom Nursery is an award-winning, early years education provider in Dubai and has been parents’ choice since 2009! Blossom’s vision is to “believe, achieve, bECOme, blossom” and provide a secure and stimulating environment where each child reaches his/her own potential.