In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “We need the photos before the event.” For previous posts, click here .

Client: We have this team-building event in March and we’d like some photos of it for our monthly newsletter.

Me: Ok, let me check if I’m available. What date is the event scheduled?

Client: It will be on site on March 10, during the evening.

Me: I’m available on the 10. So I can shoot on the 10 and send you the photos within fifteen days, that’s before March 25.

Client: No, no, no. That’s too late! We need these photos for our newsletter mid-February.

Me: You mean mid-March ? That’s a rush job and I’ll have to charge more.

Client: No. We need these photos to announce the event in our February newsletter.

Me: You need photos of the event BEFORE it takes place?

Client: Right! Try to make the photos appealing enough that our employees attend.

Me: So, are you going to lend me the time machine, or do I have to supply my own?

Client: Hm?

Me: Nothing.