In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “When the client is sexist” For previous posts, click here .

I am a project manager and designer at a design and marketing firm.  As a preface, I am one of only two women in the entire office. We were trying to set up time to do two separate video shoots with a client: One was a testimonial for us, another was a promo for his business.

The idea was to shoot both at the same time if possible, so I emailed him and I asked what date and time would work best for him.  He replied back saying he wanted to do this week after 5 p.m. since he was busy during the day.  Due to the late time of day, the video department made the recommendation that we just do the testimonial, because with both setup and takedown time we wouldn’t have enough daylight to do both. I relayed this to him and asked to set up a later date to do the promo video.  This was his reply (bad grammar and spelling intact):

Client: Sure sounds good. Will see your team tomorrow. Let your boss know there’s no reason we can’t do both at the same time on the same setting. Don’t understand your logic in the two separate times and dates for both videos. You’re still a cutie anyway.

Apparently my lady brain isn’t logical enough to know why separate 3-hour-long shoots make sense but at least I’m still “cute.”