If you think you know Saudi Arabia, you're in for a real surprise.
1. Recreational photography can lead to fines or imprisonment

This one is a little tricky. Before cellphones, it was unthinkable for anyone to take photos. Thanks to social media, taking photos have become more common, though not necessarily acceptable. However, when you're taking up photography as a hobby with a professional camera, you cannot snap photos without receiving permission from the Ministry of Culture and Information . Failure to comply means you will face a fine of approximately 500.000 SR or go straight to jail.
2. Overpassing vehicle queues in traffic jams

Can lead to mprisonment for 10 to 30 days or fines that range from 300 to 900 SR. Or both
3. Spitting on the street

Approximately 150 riyals
4. Pokemon Go

Can cost up to 300 SR
5. Valentine's Day
Flower shops and gift shops are barred from selling Valentine's day gifts, and people cannot wear red in a way that signals a Valentine's Day celebration.